
Bury Me

Dig bury me underneath

Everything that I am

Dig bury me underneath

Everything that I was
slowly changing

I would love
to beat the face,

Of any mother f*cker
that's thinkin' they can change me,

White knuckles grip
pushing through for the gold,

If you're wantin' a piece of me
I broke the mother f*ckin' mold,

I'm drowning in your wake

Shit rubbed in my face

Teething on concrete

Gums bleeding

I struggle in violated space,
Sell out motherf*ckers in the biz
that try to f*ck me,

Hang from their T's
rated P.G. insight,

I ain't sellin' my soul
when there's nothing to buy

I'm livid in my space

Pissing in my face

F*ck you while you try

To f*ck me

Dig bury me underneath

Everything that I am

Dig bury me underneath

Everything that I was you
ain't f*ckin' changing me

Let me help you tie the rope
around your neck,

Let me help to talk you
the wrong way off the ledge,

Let me help you hold
the glock against your head

Let me help to chain
the weights onto your legs

Get on the plank f*ck!

Wish you were committing
Suicide suckin' on
a mother f*ckin' tailpipe

Dead man walking
on a tight rope

Limbless in the middle of
a channel bomb's away

(Dedicated to Hokz)

Wanita Ibarat Bola

Kalau wanita berusia 17 tahunan...
mirip-mirip seperti bola sepakbola,
diperebutin 22 cowok.

Terus kalau wanita berusia 24 tahunan...
mirip-mirip seperti bola baseball,
diperebutin 18 cowok.

Dan untuk wanita berusia 30 tahunan...
mirip-mirip seperti bola basket,
diperebutin 10 cowok.

Misalnya wanita berusia 35 tahunan...
anggap saja mirip-mirip seperti
bola tennis, diperebutin 2 cowok.

Dan yang terahkir, untuk wanita berusia 45 tahunan....
sudah seperti bola golf...yaitu....


Minum Obat yg Baik dan Benar

Sering teman bertanya kepada saya,
apakah benar kita tidak boleh minum obat dengan susu?
Ada lagi yang bertanya : apakah minum obat harus sesudah makan?
Bolehkah minum obat dengan air teh?

Kalau ada pertanyaan begini barulah saya tersadar,
masih banyak hal yang terjadi di masyarakat
yang perlu diluruskan terkait penggunaan obat.
Dan saya juga baru menyadari kalo saya seorang Farmakolog
yang berkewajiban membantu masyarakat
tentang pemakaian obat secara rasional.

Selama ini, di masyarakat terdapat berbagai
macam image terkait cara minum obat.
Jika kita ingin meluruskan image yang salah
tentang pemakaian obat, mau tak mau kita
harus menilik ilmu farmakokinetika,
yakni ilmu tentang nasib obat di dalam badan.

Obat masuk ke tubuh kita akan mengalami
berbagai peristiwa yakni :
metabolisme dan

Peristiwa yang terkait dengan cara minum obat
adalah absorpsi yakni penyerapan obat dari
tempat pemberiannya menembus membran biologis,
masuk ke sirkulasi darah sistemik.

Proses ini merupakan pintu pertama
yang harus dilewati obat agar
obat memberikan efeknya ke tubuh.

Cara pemberian obat yang berbeda
akan mempengaruhi cepat lambatnya
obat terabsorpsi, dengan kata lain
juga akan mempengaruhi cepat lambatnya
obat berefek.

Begitu pun makanan dan minuman,
sangat mempengaruhi proses absorpsi obat.
Tergantung di mana obat diabsorpsi/tempat
absorpsi obat, maka dengan menganalisis
makanan/minuman yang masuk bersama obat,
maka kita akan mudah memprediksi pengaruh
keduanya kepada cepat lambatnya atau
malah tidak terabsorpsinya obat.

Interaksi obat dengan makanan/minuman
(Food drug interaction)
Sifat fisika kimia obat menentukan
tempat absorpsi obat. Obat biasanya
bersifat asam lemah atau basa lemah.

Obat asam lemah akan diserap di lambung
(jika diberikan secara oral dengan diminum,
bukan di bawah lidah atau di dinding mulut bucal),
sementara yang bersifat basa lemah
akan diserap di usus yang lingkungannya
memang lebih basa dibandingkan lambung.

Kecepatan pengosongan lambung juga
tak kalah penting untuk absorpsi obat
secara oral. Semakin cepat pengosongan lambung,
bagi obat bersifat asam akan merugikan
karena hanya sejumlah kecil obat yang terserap,
namun menguntungkan obat bersifat basa lemah
karena segera mencapai tempat absorpsi di usus,
segera terjadi proses penyerapan.

Selain terkait sifat obat dan tempat absorpsi,
makanan/minuman akan mempengaruhi bentuk obat.
Obat seharusnya berbentuk molekul kecil untuk
bisa terabsorpsi dengan baik.

Maka perlu dilakukan uji disolusi/pelarutan obat
saat dilakukan formulasi obat.
Namun, hal lain yang perlu diwaspadai
adalah adanya interaksi obat dengan
makanan/minuman atau nutrien tertentu,
sehingga terbentuk senyawa kompleks
bermolekul besar yang menghalangi obat diabsorpsi.

Contoh interaksi obat dengan makanan/minuman atau nutrient

1. obat-obat antialergi golongan antihistamin (Benadryl, Claritin, CTM, Zyrtec, Incidal, dll) merupakan obat bersifat asam lemah yang absorpsinya terjadi di lambung. Maka seharusnya diminum saat perut kosong (satu jam sblm makan atau 2 jam sesudah makan) atau cukup diminum dengan air putih saja. Jika diminum dengan susu, adanya pencernaan susu akan menghambat proses absorpsi di lambung, efek obat menjadi lambat.

2. Obat pain killer dan antiinflamasi (anti rematik, anti Gout/asam urat, anti bengkak). Obat golongan ini sebagian besar bersifat asam agak tinggi (ibuprofen=Nurofen, advil, aspirin, aspilet, aspro, asam mefenamat=ponstan, mefinal) walaupun absorpsi terjadi di lambung, namun karena keasaman yang tinggi tsb akan menimbulkan efek samping nyeri lambung, maka seharusnya diminum bersama susu, atau sebentar sesudah makan. Walaupun jelas ada penundaan absorpsi, namun karena mengingat efek sampingnya yang jauh lebih berbahaya, maka lebih baik menunda absorpsi dengan makan/minum susu tsb. Begitu pula dengan obat anti inflamasi golongan non steroid (diclofenac/voltaren, difflam, cataflam) dan steroid (deksametason, metil prednisolon/meptin, medrol, prednisone/deltasone, cortisone asetat/cortef), harus diminum sesudah makan atau bersama susu. Lain lagi dengan parasetamol (panadol, tempra, lylenol), karena bersifat lebih basa lemah dan diabsorpsi di usus, maka lebih baik obat jenis ini diminum sebelum makan, diikuti makanan sehingga akan segera sampai di usus, terjadilah proses absorpsi.

3. Secara umum untuk antibiotik (penisilin=amoksisilin, ampisilin, ciproflokasasin, ofloksasin, eritromisin, azitromisin, metronidasol, cotrimoksasol) seharusnya diminum saat perut kosong. Minum cukup dengan air putih. Karena absorpsi terjadi di lambung. Hal menarik terjadi khusus dengan golongan tetrasiklin (tetrasiklin, oksitetrasiklin, doksisiklin, minosiklin). Bila obat golongan ini diminum dengan susu atau dairy product yang mengandung kalsium (yogurt), atau diminum bersama obat suplemen mengandung zat besi dan kalsium (multivitamin dan mineral), atau obat sakit maag (mengandung kalsium, magnesium, atau aluminium), maka mineral valensi 2 dan 3 ini akan membentuk senyawa komplaeks ermolekul besar dengan golongan tetrasiklin. Obat golongan tetrasiklin sama sekali tidak terabsorpsi sehingga tidak akan muncul efek farmakologi yang diinginkan pasien, kemungkinan besar terjadi kegagalan terapi. Obat jerawat biasanya mengandung golongan tetrasiklin ini. Hal serupa juga berlaku untuk obat antijamur (griseofulvin, ketokonazol, fluconazol). Jangan diminum bersama susu, dairy product, multivitamin dan mineral, obat antasid untuk sakit maag.

4. Obat asma mengandung teofilin atau aminofilin, adanya makanan lemak tinggi atau cafein akan meningkatkan efek samping teofilin (terjadi gangguan di jantung, palpitasi). Jangan minum obat asma ini dengan kopi atau sesudah makan lemak tinggi. Makanan berkadar tinggi karbohidrat seperti nasi akan menurunkan jumlah teofilin yang terabsorpsi. (Aminofilin sesudah masuk tubuh akan membentuk teofilin juga =prodrug).

5. Obat antikolesterol lovastatin, simvastatin, pravastatin, dengan adanya susu atau makanan akan meningkatkan absorpsi obat. Maka lebih baik diminum dengan susu atau sesudah makan (kurang dari 2 jam sesudah makan).

6. Obat cacing (pirantel pamoat) juga lebih baik diminum dengan susu atau sesudah makan, karena akan terjadi peningkatan absorpsi dengan makanan/susu.

7. Obat antihipertensi ACEinhibitor (captopril dan golongannya=capoten, vasotec,accupril) jangan diminum bersama jus buah atau sayuran yang mengandung tinggi kalium/potasium (pisang, jeruk, sayuran berhijau daun), karena tingginya kalium akan meningkatkan efek oat golongan ini sehingga bisa muncul efek samping di jantung.

Jadi, sebaiknya obat diminum dengan susu,
teh, air putih, jus buah, sebelum atau
sesudah makan sangat bervariasi
tergantung golongan obat
(beserta sifat fisika kimia dan
faktor lainnya yang terkait).

Tidak bisa dilakukan generalisasi :
tidak boleh minum obat dengan susu,
minum obat harus sesudah makan,
ini image dalam masyarakat yang
harus diubah demi keberhasilan terapi obat.

Selamat minum obat…..



bagaimana mengatasi obsesi cinta dan tips2 lainnya!

this one works !
kalo suatu ketika kita mendapati
diri kita amat teramat sangat terobsesi sekali
dengan seorang 'bidadari' yg tak sempurna itu

katakan pada dirimu,
untuk apa aku selalu memikirkan dirimu
sedangkan kau belum tentu mau memikirkan diriku
barang sedetik pun..

katakan: jangan mau diperdaya olehnya
ditertawakan krn begitu konyolnya sikapku

ulangi terus pernyataan ini
hingga menyatu dgn otak bwh sadarmu

percayalah, tidak ada gunanya memikirkan
seseorang sehebat, sekeras itu
hingga susah tidur, susah makan, aktivitas

i know the feeling, brother!
i've been there..
the valley of the shadow of the dead..

it is right if you heard someone said:
what doesn't kill you
only makes you stronger !

so now you're stronger !
beat the feeling, before it beats you
down on your knees begging please
with no dignity at all

come on! we are MEN!
bigger, stronger, better !
than any creation in the world..

you have to make her obsessed by you
not the otherwise..

then you shall conquer the world
of romance..
Try to use a better
piece of your mind

But you’re inside out

And the whole world’s
there to see you

Does it make you
want to think

About the tragic things
in this life

If you want to cry
It’s hard to deny

That it makes me
want to die

For the madness
that’s in this world

If you want to die
Then it’s over now

If you want to
beat the world

It might reach up
and pull you down

If you want to
find the way

The door is locked,
the key is rusted

So break away
from all these chains
that bind you,

cut you at the wrists

Or does it make more
sense to just go

And make the scar

‘Cause you like to
see it bleeding

And you like
the color red

But you’ve seen
the light

Through the hate
and all the lies

And the madness
that’s in this world

If you want to die
Then it’s over now

Too rusted to find a way…
I gotta find


this is (half) bullshit!

*I will be healtier and stronger when I'm old
*I still can have sex when I'm 60 years old
*Everyone in this world will one day follow Messiah!
------> no this is true, one day, it will happened!

to be continued..




penyakit kelainan mata
yg merusak syarat optik.

merupakan sebab nomer 2
kebutaan di indonesia

beda dgn katarak, yg msh
bisa di obati dgn operasi,
glaukoma tidak dapat

penderitanya tidak menyadari
penyakit ini sampai terjadi
kerusakan penglihatan

faktor resikonya:
org yg umurnya 45 thn

ada riwayat glaukoma dlm

tekanan bola mata

miopi (rabun jauh)



penyempitan pembuluh
darah otak

kecelakaan pada mata

penggunaan steroid
jangka panjang

meski tidak ada obatnya
penyakit ini masih
dapat dikendalikan
dgn obat tetes mata,
tablet, operasi mata/laser

yg paling umum adalah
penggunaan obat mata.



God, You know i've prayed
so many times.. for You
to take this pain away

i wonder if you bored listening?

But the pain still inside me,
hidden, raging, waiting for
perfect moment to strike me,
bleed me, paralized me !

i'm so scared O, my dear Lord!

i know Your grace, its enuff for
me now.. You said!

i'm still waiting, patiently
for Your awesome miracle shall
cured this awful disease..

i also know, even 'it' still with me
You always plan only good things
for me.. its the best things,
when i dont even have a clue, whats
going on, with this, with my life..

and i TRUST You, Your Every word
cause You Are That You Are!

i only hope that You shall always
provide me a chance to 'escape' it
when it happens, and save my day..
once again..


Purpose Driven

Tulisan ini disadur dari
wawancara singkat dengan
Rick Warren.

RiÇk mengatakan, tujuan
hidup ini adalah suatu
persiapan untuk hidup kekal

Kita tidak diciptakan
untuk binasa, krn Allah
menginginkan kita bersama
dengannya di sorga

Suatu hari nanti jantung ini
akan berhenti, namun itu bukan
lah akhir dari keberadaan saya!

kita mungkin diberi hidup
60-100 tahun, tetapi kita akan
menjalani hidup jutaan tahun
bahkan selama-lamanya di dlm

Saat ini, kita sedang melakukan
'pemanasan'. Allah menginginkan
kita latihan dulu di dunia fana ini
segala sesuatu yg nantinya akan
kita kerjakan didalam kekekalan.

Kita diciptakan oleh dan untuk Allah
sebelum kita mencapai pengenalan ini,
hidup akan terasa tidak masuk

hidup itu adalah rentetan masalah
yg harus kita jalani/lewati.
begitu selesai satu masalah,
akan muncul lagi masalah lain.

karenan¥a ALLah han¥a tertarik
pada karakter kita daripada
kesenangan² kita

Ia ßermaksud memßentuk hidup kita
menjadi Leßih kudus drpd memßuat
hidup kita menjadi Leßih senang!

Kita ßoLeh saja mengaLami kesukaan
(ßaÇa: kesenangan) di dunia ini
namun ßukan itu tujuan hidup kita
(ßaÇa: ßersenang²/mengharapkan
kesenangan dr ALLah)

Ia ingin kita ßertumßuh dLm karakter
¥g men¥erupai Kristus.

IstRi RiÇk WaRRen, Ka¥, mendeRita
kankeR. RiÇk peRnah ßeRpikiR, ßahwa
hidup ini sepeRti ßukit dan Lemßah.
ada masa senang, ada masa susah,
siLih ßeRganti.

ia tidak Lagi peRÇa¥a dengan
pemikiRan sepeRti itu.

aLih² sepeRti ßukit dan Lemßah,
ia peRÇa¥a, kehidupan itu seumpama
² ReL ¥g ßeRdampingan.

Pada saat ¥g sama, kita mengaLami haL
¥ang ßaik, disaat Lain, haL ßuRuk
teRjadi dLm hidup kita. Seßaik apapun
kehidupan kita, seLaLu ada sesuatu ¥g
ßuRuk ¥g peRLu dipeRßaiki. OLeh kaRena
itu seßuRuk apapun kita anggap hidup kita
seLaLu ada sesuatu ¥ang ßaik untuk

kita dapat ƒokus pada tujuan hidup kita


kita Leßih ƒokus pada masaLah² kita ¿

JIka ƒokusn¥a pada masaLah, maka kita
akan teRjeßak daLam ke EGO sentRisan:
masaLahKU, peRsoaLanKU, kepahitanKU.

ÇaRa ¥g paLing mudah mengaLihkan
kepahitan hidup adaLah ƒokus pada
Tuhan dan Sesama

RiÇk tau, sekaLipun RaTusan doa²
¥ang dipanjaTkan Rißuan oRang
untuk istRin¥a,
Tuhan Tidak juga meRingankan
pendeRiann¥a aTaupun men¥emßuhkann¥a.

kehidupan Ka¥ suLiT, namun iTu
Leßih mendekaTkann¥a pada Tuhan
maupun sesaman¥a.

ßeLajaRLah menghadapi kedua²n¥a
hidup ¥g ßaik maupun ¥g ßuRuk

RiÇk dißeRkaTi dgn penjuaLan
ßukun¥a ¥g menjadikann¥a ka¥a

Kemash¥uRan iTu Tak TeRpikiRan
maupun peRnah diaLami seßeLumn¥a
RiÇk ßeRpikiR Tuhan Tidak akan
memßeRkaTi kiTa dengan uang
maupun kemas¥uRan unTuk kepuasan
diRi sendiRi, aTau unTuk semaTa²
hidup senang.

RiÇk ßeRTan¥a, apa ¥g Tuhan
kehendaki daRi uang, kemas¥uRan
dan pengaRuhn¥a iTu.

RiÇk mendapaTi diRin¥a
Tidak mengußah ga¥a hidupn¥a
sekeÇiL apapun, Tidak ada
pemßeLanjaan² ßesaR.

Ia juga muLai Tidak meneRima
gaji daRi geRejan¥a

ia memßenTuk ¥a¥asan PeaÇe PLan
*menumßuhkan geReja²
*mempeRLengkapi pemimpin²
*menoLong oRg miskin,
*meRawaT oRg sakiT,
*mendidik geneRasi muda.

ia mengemßaLikan seLuRuh gaji
¥g diTeRiman¥a daRi geReja
dLm kuRun ²4 Tahun sejak
ia memuLain¥a.
Ia meLakukan iTu agaR dapaT
meLa¥ani Tuhan Tanpa pamRih!

maka kiTapun paTuT ßeRTan¥a
apakah hidup kiTa han¥a unTuk
memiLiki haRTa ßenda aTau
popuLaRiTas ¿

apakah hidup ini digeRakkan
oLeh Tekanan², Rasa ßeRsaLah,
kepahiTan, maTeRiaLisme,
aTaukah hidup kiTa akan
digeRakkan oLeh Tujuan² ALLah ¿

KeTika kiTa ßangun pagi,
dudukLah disamping TempaT TiduR
dan ßeRdoa, Tuhan, aku ingin
mengenaLMu dan mengasihiMu
Leßih dekaT dan Leßih daLam Lagi..

KaRena kiTa Tau, kiTa Tidak di
TempaTkan Tuhan didunia ini
han¥a unTuk semaTa meLakukan
suaTu daƒTaR pekeRjaan dgn
RuTiniTas ¥g memßosankan..

Ia TeRTaRik pada diRi kiTa
dan apa ¥g kiTa Lakukan,
kaRena kiTa dinamakan
Manusia ;
ßukan oRang ¥g ßeRkeRja!




Auban ni anak !!!

one day you showed up
telling that you have
good news and
a bit of bad news

you said finally you
have girlfriend..
your first girlfriend
well..congrats buddy!

problem is, you have this ten
years differences with her

open up your eyes dude !

when you're gonna learn?

you better choose pain
having this younger girlfriend
than being happy living jomblo

i know the feeling..bro..
this is your first jadian..
you dunno what its like..
you want it to be perfect
its like your dream come true

then you already prepared for
valentines day.. how romantic..

your key word is happy, coy!

no matter you still jomblo or
have monkey on your back
you must enjoy aja..

dont need to hear
those cynical people
saying why you still
not getting married?

or you must think its real
pathetic to be single?

now you curhat and
say all the thing you hate
why? because you have
this sekia galfriend..

come on? its ridiculous..

you know the consequences
chosing someone
far younger than you

either the wrong is
from you or you have
choosen bad option.

you still asking me
how to help you..

i dunno why you like
starbuck so much
its a boros habit,
its just coffee anyway..

you nongkrong at ropang
why i said, you downgrading?
at waroeng kopi?

it is saving that brings
you to the wedding
if you ask me..

80% saving,
20 percent using.. no..no..no..

make it 90% saving,
10 percent expending..

if you can,
5 percent is the best..
but i doubt you even
try to do this..

then i dunno how
you're gonna be able to
arrange married
+your annoying galfriend
+your cicilan rumah..
i reaaaaallllyy doubt it !

your mental attitute
must be changed !

i heard you've
been rich dulu..
but now is different..
you also got
problem with gengsi..


all i can say..

jalanin dululah

masuk kuping kiri,
keluar kanan

ajak ngomong fair-fairan

ngomong pait2nya..

terima lu apa adanya sih ok
tapi bukan sama kebiasaan
buruk merokok luh..

lu bilang dia jg byk
sifat buruknya
(ya lu adu banyak aja
sama dia..)

ya uda segitu dulu
gw tunggu
undangan merahnya !


Long Hard Road Out Of Hell

Part One (My Love)

I want to fly into your sun

Need faith to make me numb

Live like a teenage christ

Im a saint,
got a date with suicide

Oh Mary, Mary
To be this young is
oh so scary

Mary, Mary
To be this young im
oh so scared

I wanna live, I wanna love
But its a long hard road,
out of hell

I wanna live, I wanna love
But its a long hard road,
out of hell

You never said forever,
could ever hurt like this

You never said forever,
could ever hurt like this

Spin my way out of hell,
theres nothing left
this soul to sell

Live fast and die fast too

How many times
to do this for you?

I wanna live,
I wanna love
But its a long hard road,
out of hell

You never said forever,
could ever hurt like this

I wanna live,
I wanna love
But its a long hard road,
out of hell

Long hard road,
out of hell

Sell my soul for anything,
anything but you

Sell my soul for anything,
anything but you

i'm having this harsh episodes in my life
it separated into 2 parts

actually i dont want to reveal it to you
i let you guess..
its about love, its about life..

you see, my love/life
kinda similar to this poem above..
such dark black sad sorrow moody ambience

Part two (my life)

Land of anger
I didnt ask to be born

Sadness, sorrow
Everything so alone

Laboratory sickness
Infects humanity

No hope for cure
Die by technology

A world full of shit coming down
Tribal voilence everywhere

Life in the age of terrorism
We spit in your other face

War of races
World without intelligence

A place consumed by time
End of it all

Were born with pain

No more were dead
Embryonic cells

Corrision inside -- we feel

Condemned future -- we see

Emptiness calls -- we hear

Final premonition -- the truth

Land of anger
I didnt ask to be born

Sadness, sorrow
Everything so alone

Laboratory sickness
Infects humanity

No hope for cure
Die by technology

Were born with pain
Suffer remains

Were born with pain

Suffer remains
Were dead



csi (crime scene investigation)

gw suka banget serial tv csi
terutama yg csi las vegas
the original, first series..

i learn so much about crime
homicide, autopsy

how to solve crime,

how the crime first time conducted,

how to make a tv crime story,
(obsesi sutradara ne)

how to outsmart police,
when you decided to do
sumthing not nice..

so guys before you get caught
by any misdemeanor or felony
you did..

...watch CSI !!!


The Trinity, My Own Comprehension

Deus (also called the father, the first)
is definitely one,

since human fall short, committing sin
new mission must be fullfiled,
in order to accomplish salvation.

Deus needs to become one with His
creation, to reveal Himself, to
teach human about the unknown Deus
so He send his only Son, The Word,
(which is also Himself/Deus representing
a son / son of human / lamb of Deus
to redempt human sin, so He is known as
the second)

After the son accomplish The mission,
by death on the cross, He rise and
must return to Deus (His father)
and promise us will come again
the 2nd time.

So before He went to heaven, he promised
his disciples, Holy spirit (the third, also
Deus Himself)
shall accompanied them in this world,
while spreading the good news.

therefore, this is not mathematical
1+1+1 are not three but still one, cappish?
three of them = Deus

you said how this can be?
i said it is kinda
difficult to understand
lemme give you example..

can you explain to an ants
how computer works?
its the same like explaining
Trinity to human's small limited

Bad news.. people,
you cant save yourselves by
only doing goodworks !

any religion ritual also can't
help you either..

you must repent, give yourselves
to the son, who gave his life
for our life sake.

it is only possible
by the grace of Deus,
and it's free,
you just have to
believe His son..

only by the spill of holy,
sinless blood, enough
to save all the world..

how hard can it be?
accept him now before
its too late

who is the son anyway?

I bet already you know his name..



ak ga tau ibuku dulu waktu mengandung
mengharapkan pangeran atau tuan putri

but she delivers one unique prince..


breakfast table in an
otherwise empty room

Young girl...violins...
center of her own attention

The mother reads aloud
child tries to understand it

Tries to make her proud

The shades go down

it's in her head

Painted room...

can't deny there's
something wrong...

Don't call me daughter
not fit to

The picture kept
will remind me

Don't call me daughter
not fit to

The picture kept
will remind me

Don't call me...

She holds the hand
that holds her down

She will...rise above

The shades go down
The shades go, go, go...



Cidade de Deus

A miracle needs no explanation
to those who believe in Deus;
To those who don't, no explanation
is enough..


Discovering Deus

Deus could have revealed
all the truth to all people
at the very beginning of time,

but He chose to reveal Himself
Perhaps that's because we
value things more when we
have to search and wait
for them.

Deus is not playing a cruel game
of hide and seek.

He is allowing us to enjoy the
process of discovering who He is
and what He is up to in the

So don't be discourage over
what you don't know about Deus.

Be Excited about unwrapping all
there is yet to discover !

(Deus = God, the trinity)



My Wife

After mentioning
all the past girl of my dreams
I forgot to mention my Wife..
Even with her, my romance were not
so "Heboh"

kalo die tau pasti ngamuk tu bini gw.. :-)

Sometime She looks like Arzetti,
the other time looks like Karenina,
The later time looks like Tyas Mirasih,
After time looks like Sarah Palin
the Next time She looks like Inool D.
(yg ini kalo pas dimekap di salon pas hari merit)

satu yang pasti ga kayak Mariana Renata..

Miel, no offense ya..
you know how much
i like Mariana..
coz when You Like Ari Wibowo
or mas Nunu Reeves
That's fine by me :-)

She's been a good wife-- great if i'm not
exaggerating !
Honest, Godly, Resposible,
Punctual, Discipline ..
***Sadistic, Ignorant, Finicky..

try to understand that i love you
but not in
'romantic obssessive' ways

i think its healtier, better than
i ever loved anyone my whole life

You're worth waiting, my LOVE..
Baby Huey meets Mama Huey

And I know, I will never dissapointed
with my choice..


Antre.. Tidur..

Hari ini 19-01-09
gw ke kantor pajak
ambil kartu NPWP

no. antrian menunjukkan
654 .. buset, ni brp lama
lagi mesti gw tunggu?

oh, ternyata mulai dipanggil
dr 641 ... terus kutunggu
hingga no. 652, then stuck
for almost 1 hour..

sh*t, what happened..
gilole, ne tukang pajak!
selidik pny selidik
ternyata, mereka kewalahan
ngurusin kartu2 npwp satu
per satu..

udah gitu, dr sistim antre
menjadi sistim siapa cepat
dia dpt alias saling serobot

buset .. !

yg lebih memuakkan lagi

udah geto lama kok kartu
npwp gw lom jadi yah?
ga dikasi tau lagi kpn ambil

gw sempet nanya sama
satu engko2..
dia aja udh dpt tanda terima
tanggal 30-12-08 aja
2 kali dtg msh jg lom jadi kartunya
apalagi gw ya???

kecian deh looo! coyyy!

tar de abis sincia gw dtg lagi..

sialan, udh nunggu gitu lama
ternyata org2 pada liat daftar
nama yg ada di bagian reception
untuk memastikan namanya
ada disana, krn kartunya pasti
udah jadi..

..and my name wasn't there
dan nama gw gada tuh disana..

people like sleeping there on
the couch..

gimane pade mo denger udh antrian
nomer berapa kalo asyik aja

jangan jangan ni org bukan urusin
pajak, mungkin juga sales di ktr
yg udah gada gawe, kecapean
mampir ke kantor pajak..
duduk, trus tidur deh..

indonesia.. indonesia..
kapan loe mo maju ye???


My friend Ige

My Friend from Atlantic,
Ige or Indra Gani used to say..
A long time ago..

Kalo apa-apa itu jangan dipikirin dulu
nantinya seperti apa, jalanin aja dulu..

Nanti kalo dipikirin dulu,
kitanya jadi takut ngelakuinnya..

i guess, he's right !

tapi sayangnya, nama baiknya tercemar
karena kasus korupsi biaya perawatan
bus pariwisata..

anyway, it's good quotes from someone
i still remember it until now !



Want you bad !

If you could only
read my mind

You would know
that things between us

Ain't right

I know your arms
are open wide

But you're a little on
the straight side
I can't lie

Your one vice
It's you're too nice

Come around
now can you see

I want you
All tattooed
I want you bad

Complete me
Mistreat me
want you to be
bad bad bad bad bad

If you could only
read my mind

You would know that
I've been waiting
So long

For someone
almost just like you

But with attitude,
I'm waiting
so come on

Get out of clothestime
Grow out those highlights

Come around
now can't you see

I want you
In a vinyl suit
I want you bad

I want you
bad, bad, bad, bad, bad

Don't get me wrong

I know you're
only being good

But that's what's wrong

I guess
I just misunderstood


I want you
All tattooed
I want you bad

I want you bad

I mean it
I need it
I want you
bad, bad, bad, bad, bad

really really bad

again, this is dedicated to you
my shierley..

i want you, REALY, REALY BAD.. !


Watch the world die..

I am still livin' 
with your ghost

Lonely and dreamin'
of the west coast

I don't wanna be
your down time

I don't wanna be your
stupid game

With my big black boots
and an old suitcase

I do believe
I'll find myself
a new place

I don't wanna
be the bad guy

I don't wanna do your
sleepwalk dance anymore

I just wanna
see some palm trees

Go and try and
shake away this disease

I am still dreamin'
of your face

Hungry and hollow
for all the things
you took away

I don't wanna be
your good time

I don't wanna be
your fall-back
crutch anymore

I'll walk right out
into a brand new day

Insane and risin'
in my own weird way

I just wanna feel
some sunshine

I just wanna find
some place to be alone

We can live
beside the ocean,
leave the fire behind

Swim out past
the breakers,
watch the world die..

unlike shierley,
i HATE you !

i never have
any relationship like this !

even, ketika gw gagal,
tak pernah setragis ini..

no one rejects me..
who are you.. to reject me?

the pretties, always adored me..
so, again, who are you to reject me?

thing turns back
upside down..

you like when i dont like..
then shit, i like when
you dont like

what the f**** ?!

hope you find your peace
but not with me..





Do you know what is that?

its the number of the beast ! 666 ..




The English suffixes -phobia, -phobic, -phobe (of Greek origin: φόβος/φοβία ) occur in technical usage in psychiatry to construct words that describe irrational, disabling fear as a mental disorder (e.g., agoraphobia), in chemistry to describe chemical aversions (e.g., hydrophobic), in biology to describe organisms that dislike certain conditions (e.g., acidophobia), and in medicine to describe hypersensitivity to a stimulus, usually sensory (e.g., photophobia). In common usage they also form words that describe dislike or hatred of a particular thing or subject. The suffix is antonymic to -phil-.

Many people apply the suffix -phobia inappropriately to mild or irrational fears with no serious substance; however, earlier senses relate to psychiatry which studies serious phobias which disable a person's life. For more information on the psychiatric side of this, including how psychiatry groups phobias as agoraphobia, social phobia, or simple phobia, see phobia.

The following lists include words ending in -phobia, and include fears that have acquired names. In many cases people have coined these words as neologisms, and only a few of them occur in the medical literature. In many cases, the naming of phobias has become a word game, of notable example being a 1998 humorous article published by BBC News.1

Note too that no things, substances, or even concepts exist which someone, somewhere may not fear, sometimes irrationally so. A list of all possible phobias would run into many thousands.

Most of these terms tack the suffix -phobia onto a Greek word for the object of the fear (some use a combination of a Latin root with the Greek suffix, which many classicists consider linguistically impure).

In some cases (particularly the less medically-oriented usages), a word ending in -phobia may have an antonym with the suffix -phil-, e.g., Germanophobe / Germanophile.

See also the category:Phobias.

Phobia lists

A large number of-phobia lists circulate on the Internet, with words collected from indiscriminate sources, often copying each other. Also, a number of psychiatric websites exist that at the first glance cover a huge number of phobias, but in fact use a standard text to fit any phobia and reuse it for all unusual phobias by merely changing the name. Sometimes it leads to bizarre results, such as suggestions to cure "prostitute phobia".2 Such practice is known as content spamming and is used to attract search engines.

Psychological conditions

In many cases specialists prefer to avoid the suffix -phobia and use more descriptive terms, see, e.g., personality disorders, anxiety disorders, avoidant personality disorder, love-shyness.


Non-psychological conditions

The following medical conditions have nothing to do with irrational fears. However, each usually has a psychological disorder of the same name which is an irrational fear. The behavior of an individual with the medical condition can be similar to the behavior of an individual with the psychological disorder of the same name (e.g., for both usages of Photophobia the person avoids light). The difference in usage is that for the medical term there is an underlying physiological condition that results in the behavior. For example, with medical Photophobia the hypersensitivity to light is sufficient such that at some light levels the person experiences pain which they avoid by seeking darkness. Removing the physiological cause of the hypersensitivity to light results in the person no longer avoiding light. With psychological Photophobia the person fears the light even though there is no current physiological pain caused by light.

Biology, chemistry

Biologists use a number of -phobia/-phobic terms to describe predispositions by plants and animals against certain conditions. For antonyms, see here.

Prejudices and discrimination

One can readily use the suffix -phobia to coin a term that denotes a particular anti-ethnic or anti-demographic sentiment, such as Europhobia, Francophobia, Hispanophobia, and Indophobia. Often a synonym with the prefix "anti-" already exists (e.g., Polonophobia vs. anti-Polonism). See "List of anti-ethnic terms" for more examples. Anti-religious sentiments are expressed in terms such as Christianophobia and Islamophobia.

Other prejudices include

Jocular and fictional phobias

  • Aibohphobia — a joke term for the fear of palindromes, which is a palindrome itself. The term is a piece of computer humor entered into the 1981 The Devil's DP Dictionary3
  • Anachrophobia — fear of temporal displacement, from a Doctor Who novel by Jonathan Morris.
  • Anoraknophobia — fear of spiders wearing anoraks: it is a portmanteau of "anorak" and "arachnophobia. Used in the Wallace and Gromit comic book Anoraknophobia. Also the title of an album by Marillion.
  • Arachibutyrophobia — fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth. The word is used by Peter O'Donnell in his 1985 Modesty Blaise adventure novel Dead Man's Handle.4 It had circulated, unattributed, in the Internet for some time until it landed at the CTRN Phobia Clinic website: "Working one-on-one with one of our team, with guaranteed lifetime elimination of Sticky Peanut Butter Phobia. From $1497 and up."
  • Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia — fear of long words. Hippopoto- "big" due to its allusion to the Greek-derived word hippopotamus (though this is derived as hippo- "horse" compounded with potam-os "river", so originally meaning "river horse"; according to the Oxford English, "hippopotamine" has been construed as large since 1847, so this coinage is reasonable); -monstr- is from Latin words meaning "monstrous", -o- is a noun-compounding vowel; -sesquipedali- comes from "sesquipedalian" meaning a long word (literally "a foot and a half long" in Latin), -o- is a noun-compounding vowel, and -phobia means "fear". Note: This was mentioned on the first episode of Brainiac Series Five as one of Tickle's Teasers.
  • Venustraphobia — fear of beautiful women, according to a 1998 humorous article published by BBC News.1 The word is a portmanteau of "Venus trap" and "phobia". Venustraphobia is the title of a 2006 album by Casbah Club.


so, which phobia are you ... ?


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