Dark Knight 2008

i just saw dark knight yesterday...
wow this is good movie i think!
thats why imdb viewer give this movie
votes : 299.022
score : 9,1/10
film batman ini bahkan lebih bgs drpd
batman begins pendahulunya,
bahkan lebih bagus drpd Bond, Quantum of Solace.
batman begins jg adalah film batman reboot,
setelah bosan dgn gaya penyutradaraan dulu..
inti ceritanya dalam, quotesnya berbobot,
durasi filmnya panjang bgt.
my wife got very sleepy, trus bobo deh..
bagi penggemar batman..
maaf.. film ini mengecewakan..
adegan action kurang banyak,
lebih byk dramanya.
batpod motor gede batman...keren !
entah knp, karakter villain
caught my attention than batman?
karakter bandit lebih kuat dan
berkharisma dibanding sinyo (jagoan)
ini gawat jg, krn villain diberi
gambaran tidak benar2 jahat,
ada latar belakangnya knp dia jahat..
kita bs simpati padanya!
ini pendapat michael caine,
the buttler ttg heath ledger the joker
"Jack was like a clown figure, benign but wicked, maybe a killer old uncle. He could be funny and make you laugh. Heath's gone in a completely different direction to Jack, he's like a really scary psychopath. He's a lovely guy and his Joker is going to be a hell of a revelation in this picture."
this reminds me of smallvile,
i like lex luthor better than clark kent
*batman ogah jd hero,
krn mengakibatkan kematian org2 tak berdosa
*joker ga lucu lagi bahkan lebih tepat, sereem!
knp dia bibirnya lebar gt
*harvey dent, the two face, tadinya 'white knight'
jadi 'bad knight'
knp mukanya 1/2 kebakar, pake koin
.................semuanya jelas dibeberkan
selama 2 setengah jam.
beberapa adegan mirip film saw..
this is the darkest & longest batman movie ever !!!
ini film superhero untuk orang dewasa,
bukan seperti film spiderman untuk anak-anak..
(pardon my sarcasm..)
heath ledger the joker was a great character,
why did YOU HAVE TO DIE, dude?
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1,730 out of 2,386 people found the following comment useful:-
The Dark Masterpiece, 12 July 2008 Author: Chilenazo from Chile
An imperishable, spectacular and chaotically-brilliant movie. The Dark Knight possesses the essence that should always exist in the handover from comics to the big screen. Sequence after sequence, this is the absolute glory. A great movie that does not give a single frame to breathe. An ode to chaos and anarchy, while shares are confronted inevitably lead to a path dirty, black and hostile. A real Gotham City, dominated by fear.
This is the best film of the year. Simply, ladies and gentlemen, The Dark Knight belongs to a category where no comic adaptation could enter before.
Thanks Christopher Nolan. Simply, thank you for a film that's a lot more than the typical film based on comic books.
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