
Tips & Tricks How to Become Psycho(path) without Anyone Noticing..

First. You must have innocent face. Good Behaviour. Kind and Gentle gesture. Seldom Lied. Respect your parents, applying the ten commandements in your daily life. You might appear bald, longhaired, shorthaired, curly, with mustache, goatie and so on. You must change appearance often.

Second. You tend to torture small animals (such as ants with magnifying glasses), bigger animal if you have the guts..

Third. Your hobby is listening to Heavy Loud Hard Ear Damaging Thrash Death Doom Stoner Glam Grind Metal Songs. Listen it while you're sleeping. Let it brainwashed you ! Hence You must hate American Idols ! and all the other idols award !

Fourth. You should like movies like ichi the killer, saw 1-5, hostel 1-2, kill bill, silence of the lamb, se7en, other gore trash exploitation eurosleaze movie cinema.

Fifth. You must repress your feelings, emotions.. See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil..

Sixth. Kill your 'love' (feeling). You stay single, no date. no spouse. feel nothing. no anger. no sadness, no sorrow, no happyness. i mean ALL!

Seventh. watch CSI tv series, Copycat movie, The Usual Suspect, learn how psycho's think, plan, execute, escape.

Eighth. sometimes, you start thinking of suicide, it looks real, you think you really commited, you wanna do it but you never did !
coz if you did, you never ever become a psycho !

Ninth. Do what you affraid the most .. challenge your psychotic competency/tallent..

Tenth. You must think out of mainstream thinking.. Try to think backwards, use left hand instead of right, do weird stuffs.

Eleventh. Practising Psychopath jokes.. Even Psycho's have sense of humor.. They're also Human Being just like you !

Twelveth. Stay in HELL for a couple of days, when you come back you will be a quaranteed genuine psycho

Thirteenth. Shoot all your classroommates, when they dont say goodmourning to you! this is very classic psychos..

Fourteenth. experiencing heavy headache, migrain, vertigo when you do, consume lots of PARAMEX (local headache brand), let your head fly for awhile.. also you experiencing bad stomach ache..

Fifteenth. you should feel no pain, when you accidently cut/hurt yourself, if you still feel pain. you must ignore it and suppress it. then go find a room, be alone, then shout, scream, yell as hard as you can..

Sixteenth. Prepare one special room full of glassware. drop one whenever you get angry. drop all whenever you get furious. Break 'em with feelings, and enjoy it while it last..

Seventeenth. when you really success becoming a psycho, do not brag yourself about it! bottom line is, you stay underground. Until someone pretty smart can smell your gesture then you kill 'em. leave no witness behind.

Eighteenth. write a blog about this, share it to other people who desperately wannabe psychos.

Nineteenth. often you fight with your brothers and/or sisters. show who's in charge.

Twentieth. always bring pocket knife, just in case someone mess with you, you stick 'em with it in the heart.

Twenty First. having trouble sleeping, having eating disorder, drastic overweight/lost weight like in the movie the machinist.

Twenty Second. anyone psycho's out there wanna add?


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