
Normal or Nuts ?


Dear Reader,
Are you too shy? Too pushy? Do you cry too much? Do you cry too little? Do you pull your hair? Other people's hair?Are you afraid of spiders? Or stuffed animals?

Yes, yes, and yes. You are, dear readers, all these things and more. As the hundreds of letters we got this year prove once again, we are a bunch of nutty folk. But not to worry: To be human is to be quirky. Of course, not all quirks are cute. It's often difficult to know whether a given behaviour is harmless or hurtful. The line between silly and serious is vanishingly thin. And so we put your letters before a panel of trusted experts to demonstrate which are merely colourful and which may require professional attention –to giggle where we can and to guide where we must.

I don't like talking. I'm afraid people will think that what I say is stupid, even when there's no reason to assume that. I never talk on my cell phone in a public place, because bystanders might think I'm an idiot. Is that nuts?

Thats pretty wierd. Serious insecurity issues.

I have to use things until they wear out before getting new ones. It took seven years to use up 14 bottles of nual polish. I should get a new pair of sandals, but my old ones aren't completely worn-out yet, so I'll wait. my friends tell me this is not normal.

They need to change their standards of what is 'worn out', all theyre doing is probably leading an extremely uncomfortable life out of choice. Not normal.

I'm afraid to go to high places, like tall bridges or even the balcony at church. And it's not because I;m afraid I'll fall--it's because I;m afraid I'll jump! I don't want to kill myself, but I do want to experience the sense of flying or floating. Of course, I know I'd go splat and die, so the desire to jump terrifies me. What do I do?

Thats just vertgo. Completely normal.

I cannot eat certain big, tricky-to-bite things in front of people unless I know them very well. facing a huge sandwich at a business lunch is a nightmare. And a floppy, wet salad on a date? Forget it. That's odd, no?

To that extent its odd, but still understandable. I hate noisy eaters. I hate it even more when i eat like a total clart. Nobody wants to see the food in someones mouth, and if they need to hear it then its unavoidable. Its only politeness to not make someone else put up with that.

I can't stop shopping. I have every color of glitter for my hair and eyes. I have stacks of books I've never read. I keep going to the same stores and even buy things I already have, just in case. My friends say my house looks like a store. What's wrong with me?


My mom is in her late 70s, constantly rearranging her furniture--heave stuff like dressers and couches. I tell her she's too old, but she won't listen. Think she's nuts?

Its called senile dementia, either that or shes insanely uncomfortable about the fact nothing has probably changed since she was 60.

Nothing fazes me emotionally for a long span of time. I can hear or see the most horrible thing, and it doesn't bother me. But later it hits me like a ton of bricks, and I can't stop crying. Is this a defense mechanism, or what?

Ive never heard of it being quite as specific as that but people do make themselves emotionally immune like that. Theyre constantly building up emotion without letting it out so when they do break down a bit, its a total mess because theres so much to cry about.


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